Croton (in Italian: Crotone), the city of southern Italy in the eastern region of Calabria overlooking the Ionian Sea near the mouth of the River Lazaro, capital of the province of Crotone, a population of 60.517 inhabitants ...
Croton has long been one of the most cities of Magna Graecia (Greek colonies of southern Italy) prosperous. Known for their strength physical and population simply moderating their living. Since 588 BC onwards, gave birth to Crotone many generations of heroes in the Olympics and other Greek games, most notably Milo Alkrotona. According to Herodotus, the doctors were preparing Croton most prominent among the Greeks. Pythagoras founded his school Alwithagorsaon Pkrotona in about 530 BC. Among his disciples, one of the first doctors theorists Alkrotona commune, and the philosopher and mathematician and astronomer Philolaus. Alwithagorsaon gained influence as well as the Supreme Council, consisting of a thousand members, which governs the city. The city of Sybaris competition for Croton until 510 BC, when Croton sent to an army of a hundred thousand men led by boxer Milo, destroying Sybaris. Shortly thereafter, he signed insurrection, and the expulsion of Pythagoreans and setting it democracy. In 480 BC, Croton sent a ship to support the Greeks at the Battle of Salamina, however, that the victory of Locri and Rigiom to Crotone in the same year marked the beginning of its decline. And replaced by Araklia headquartered in league Alataluotah. Seized the first tyrant Dionysius of Syracuse to Crotone in the year 379 BC, aiming to dominate Germany Griseia, and grabbed her twelve years. Albrootyon then occupied, with the exception of the castle used by its large population; deficit and those for the defense of the place against the forces of the Carthaginians, they were allowed to withdraw to Locri once surrendering. In the year 295 BC, Croton fell to another Syracusan tyrant Agathocles. When Pyrrhus invaded Italy Alabera (280 to 278.275 BC), Croton was still a considerable city, walls twelve miles in length, but after a half-Prussian War became the city deserted. What left a population submitted to Rome in 277 BC. After the Battle of Cannae in the Second Punic War (216 BC), Croton revolted from Rome, and Hannibal made it his winter for three years; was not recaptured until 205 or 204 BC. In 194 BC became a Roman colony. Heard little about them during the two periods of the Republic and the Empire, despite the fact that the events of one of the most important pieces of work remaining Petronius Alsaterecon signed in Croton ....
Totila besieged king of the Ostrogoths city unsuccessfully around the year 550 and later became part of the Byzantine Empire. Muslims are open around the year 870, who called her (Okarotonh). Launched after more than a hundred years Otto II campaign on the south of Italy to expel them and to limit the power of the Byzantines, however, that the army canine defeated near Crotone in the thirteenth of July 982. then seized by the Normans. Then followed by the Kingdom of Naples - including the period of Spanish rule, which is witnessing the castle of Charles V returns to the sixteenth century and overlooking the Croton modern - and then its successor, the Kingdom of Alsqlitan, and captured by the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860, Vdmjht in the new Kingdom of Italy in 1861. Crotone's location between the ports of Taranto and Messina, as well as its proximity to the source of hydroelectric power favored industrial development during the period between the two world wars. Doubled the number of its inhabitants during the thirties. But the most important two local companies collapsed. By the late eighties Crotone was in economic crisis, with many residents losing their jobs and their departure to search for work elsewhere. Flood and face a severe blow to the morale of the city in 1996 and since that moment the city is witnessing a renewal of urban and lifted the standard of living ...
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