Shanghai and sometimes Shanghai (Chinese: 上海 = this file Shànghǎi (? · Information) shànghǎi = above the sea): China's biggest cities in terms of population, and the country's economic capital. Adraaa, considered the "Shanghai" one of the four municipalities in the country (see: "Administrative Divisions in China"). Located in the center of the coast of mainland China, and at the mouth of the Yangtze River, enjoying privileged geographical location made it an important trade port and one of the largest industrial hubs in the country ...
The number of residents in the Greater Shanghai 31,300,000 people in 2003 -hawwala 16,500,000 n Alduaha- without counting the population. This number congregate in an area not exceeding Al82.000 km² (2588 population density n / km 2). And resides in the city of more than 4500 skyscraper, with a height of 488 meters above it ....
Established a small village in the century atheist century, dominated by the fishing activity. Until the eighteenth century, did not have a significant mention in the history of the country. In 1842, after the "Agreement Nanjing", the city began a new era with its openness to foreign trade. And put an end to the agreement signed Opium Wars between China Britain, became the "Shanghai" privileges British zone. Then obtained other countries as "France" and the United States on similar privileges in the city. This climate has encouraged many banks and companies on the stability of world trade in that particular area, which was located under Western management. In 1857, Britain got the right to sail in the River "Yangtze", known in the trade prosperous Shanghai real, and shouting harbor of the busiest ports in China. They pass through a quarter (1/4) Chinese maritime trade. Poured into foreign assets on the domestic industry, the cheap labor and abundant of the most important reasons to do so. The first Sino-Japanese War, which ended with the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki led to the intervention of Japan's new foreign force in Shanghai, where Japan girl first factories in Shanghai ...
The Chinese were eager to get rid of Alognih hegemony over the city. Known as "Shanghai" Mkthagh political activities, held the first conference of the Communist Party of China (1921 m). In 1927, led the national armies "Jiang armies" to take over the city, was placed under government administration to "Giyumndang" (the first national government after dropping dynasty "Zheng" in 1911), has campaigned for the expulsion of those communists of the city. Signed under the Japanese occupation between 1937-1945 AD, then retrieved China after the end of World War II. Abandoned by Britain, France and the United States for privileges in the city. The communist forces seized it (1949) ...
Shanghai is a modern city, and this is reflected in the architecture of its buildings, like banks, office buildings and the headquarters of international companies. Replete with numerous tourist attractions and cultural: "Yu Garden" (or "Yuyuan" meaning garden cheerful, and go back to the 16th century AD, but it was renovated in 1956), "Park Autumn clouds Scarlet" (or purple), which was built during the reign of strain "Meng" (1368-1644 AD), garden "Hong Ko" and the Temple of Buddha made of jade, featuring primarily white jade statues of Buddha, one of the Buddhist monks of Bastkdamha sketched (Myanmar today) during one of his trips in 1882. More places populated of the "Park Zhongshan", which is located Bmahmah Bund (boulevard) along the river, "Huangpu", abound in the region, gardens and old buildings with European style, was built mostly between the end of the 19th century and early 20th century ..
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